Here's a complete list of all the buildings and facilities found in your town in Rebuild. Take note of which ones need to be captured earlier in the game depending on the layout of your town. Enjoy!
8-12 mart
The 8-12 doesn't do anything these days but smell like stale twinkies. - Does nothing - Can be replaced with: Farm
Allmart Store
This Allmart would make a good defense post if we spruced it up a bit. Board up all the exits, cover the windows, and it'd be quite the fortress. - Can be upgraded into: Secured Allmart (static defence bonus)
This apartment provides houses for our survivors to live in. - Adds number of houses depending on difficulty level - Can be replaced with: School
These days some people turn to religion and others to drinking, but either way it makes them happier. - Increases happiness same as church - Can be replaced with: Laboratory
Big Farm
Big farms produce food every day of boring but efficient crops like turnips, potatoes, and squash. - Produces twice the food of farms
These days some people turn to religion and others to drinking, but either way it makes them happier. - Increases happiness same as bar - Can be replaced with: Hospital
Farms produce food every day. We take turns plowing, planting and harvesting. - Produces food depending on difficulty level - Can be replaced with: Suburbs
We don't like to go near this place. It's good for nothing, not even for burying our dead. Best just to leave it alone. - Does Nothing
This hospital can save people from disease and death. We don't need a dedicated doctor just having the space and supplies here is enough. - Prevents bad illness-related events - Can be replaced with: Church
Our Scientists need labs like this one to research and build useful things. - Perform tech reserach missions here - Can be replaced with: Bar
People just don't shop like they used to, so we don't have much use for a mall here, but it might make a good defense post. - Can be upgraded into: Secured Mall (static defence bonus)
A sad reminder that the days of fast food are long gone. - Does nothing - Can be replaced with: Church or Hospital
Not good for much, but with a little work we could turn this motel into apartments for people to live in. - Does Nothing - Can be replaced with: Apartment or School
No more computers, no more paperwork, no more burocracy. Offices are relics of a bygone era. - Does Nothing - Can be replaced with: Apartment or School
In just a year the parks have gotten pretty overgrown, so I guess the dirt is fertile enough to try building a farm. - Does Nothing - Can be replaced with: Farm or Suburbs
Parking Lot
A conviently flat piece of urban real estate. Maybe we could convert this place to a farm. - Does Nothing - Can be replaced with: Farm
Police Station
Police stations add a defense bonus to the fort, and are where soldiers do guard duty. - Static defence bonus - Assign guards here
Just some building destroyed by zombies or the ensuing panic. Since it's mostly cleared already we might try to farm here. - Does Nothing - Can be replaced with: Farm
People can train here to change their specialization. It takes all kinds of people to keep this fort going. - Change survivor jobs here - Can be replaced with: Church
Ah, suburbia, where your biggest worry was the quality of your lawn. Nice homes for some of our survivors to live in. - Adds number of houses depending on difficulty level - Can be replaced with: Farm
Trailer Park
It's not pretty, but it's home. Some people can live here. - Adds number of houses depending on difficulty level - Can be replaced with: Farm
Just useless empty storage space. - Does Nothing - Can be replaced with: Church or Hospital
Xxor gas
We've used up all the gas here so it isn't useful anymore, but we could turn it into a decent lab. - Does nothing - Can be replaced with: Bar or Laboratory